One of the most critical aspects of your business is ensuring your product meets your customers’ expectations and order specifications. As a single-source software solution, Datacor ERP automates quality control checkpoints from the moment the order is processed to the moment the product is shipped, without any extra work on your part. Its ability to automatically match multiple customer product specifications to a set of test results streamlines the entire lot selection process to save you time and money while increasing customer satisfaction.

Quality Control@2x

Key Benefits

Digitization of continuous improvement processes

Instant confirmation of products meeting customer specifications

Enhanced compliance with integrated regulatory checkpoints

Detailed reporting with automated audit trails


Cradle to grave lot tracking

Easily defined library of tests including numeric, binary and observational test types

Certificate of Analysis creation

Detailed quality history

Interim test results enable quick action

Individual test specifications per product per customer

Auto select lots by customer specifications

Automated and integrated lot recall process

Fully integrated with purchasing, manufacturing and order processing

Test results managed across different product packaging and names

See how our software delivers data with depth.