Presenter: Jason Griffiths, Solutions Associate, Datacor; Doug Seaberg, VP of Sales, Nvoicepay; Lisa Parrish, VP Finance, Valley Solvents
After 68 years serving the industrial manufacturing and oilfield industries, Valley Solvents & Chemicals found their manual AP process hindering their capacity to grow and track with customer demand. With five locations all depending on check approvers across Texas, they needed a solution to drive paper out of their process and offload their time-consuming payment tasks.
During this webcast, Valley Solvents' VP of Finance shares how the company used Datacor ePayments to transform its payables from a cumbersome, paper-heavy process to a streamlined procedure that empowers AP team members to tackle strategic tasks.
This webcast highlights how Datacor ePayments:
- Enabled every Valley Solvents supplier to be paid electronically
- Switched 100% of Valley Solvents’ payment approvals to electronic
- Dramatically decreased Valley Solvents’ rate of unclaimed property
- Refocused hundreds of Valley Solvents’ AP team hours on more strategic tasks